Thursday, February 25, 2016

Conversational MAC Address Learning (FabricPath)

Note You must be working on the F Series module in your Cisco Nexus 7000 Series chassis to use conversational MAC learning.

In traditional MAC address learning, each host learns the MAC address of every other device on the network. When you configure a VLAN for conversational learning, the associated interfaces learn only those MAC addresses that are actively speaking to them. Not all interfaces have to learn all the MAC addresses on an F Series module, which greatly reduces the size of the MAC address tables.
Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 5.1 when you use the F Series module, you can optimize the MAC learning process. Conversational MAC learning is configured per VLAN. All FabricPath VLANs always use conversational learning; you can configure CE VLANs for conversational learning on this module also. (See Chapter 4 "FabricPath Forwarding" for more information on CE and FabricPath VLANs.)
The F Series modules have 16 forwarding engines (FEs), and the MAC learning takes place on only one of these FEs. Each FE performs MAC address learning independently of the other 15 FEs on the module. An interface only maintains a MAC address table for the MACs that ingress or egress through that FE; the interface does not have to maintain the MAC address tables on the other 15 FEs on the module.
Conversational MAC address learning, and the 16 forward engines (FEs) on each F Series module result in MAC address tables that are much smaller for FabricPath.
The MAC address learning modes available on the F Series modules are the traditional learning and conversational learning. The learning mode is configurable and is set by VLAN mode.
The following VLAN modes have the following MAC learning modes:
FabricPath (FP) VLANs—Only conversational MAC learning
CE VLANs—Traditional learning by default; you can configure CE VLANs on the F Series module for conversational learning.
With conversational MAC learning, the interface learns only the source MAC address of an ingressing frame if that interface already has the destination MAC address present in the MAC address table. If the source MAC address interface does not already know the destination MAC address, it does not learn that MAC address. Each interface learns only those MAC addresses that are actively speaking with the interface. In this way, conversational MAC learning consists of a three-way handshake.The interface learns the MAC address only if that interface is having a bidirectional conversation with the corresponding interface. Unknown MAC address are forwarded, or flooded, throughout the network.
This combination of conversational MAC address learning and multiple FEs on each F Series module produces greatly reduced MAC address tables on each F Series module.
For CE VLANs, you can configure conversational learning per VLAN on the F Series module using the command-line interface (CLI). CE VLANs use traditional MAC address learning by default.Traditional MAC learning is not supported on FabricPath VLANs with Cisco Release NX-OS 5.1 or higher.
Figure 2-2 shows the allowed FabricPath and CE ports on the M and F Series modules and the allowed FP and CE VLANs.
Figure 2-2 FP and CE VLAN Examples

Switching Using FabricPath

The FabricPath hierarchical MAC address scheme and conversational learning result in much smaller, conversational learning MAC tables within the FabricPath network. Within the FabricPath network, the system uses Layer 2 IS-IS to transmit topology information. The interfaces on the edge of the network, which use conversational MAC address learning, do not have to learn all the MAC addresses in the network (see Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3 FabricPath Ports Use Only the FabricPath Header to Switch Frames
MAC mobility is expedited using the FabricPath hierarchical MAC addresses. That is, when you want to move a host and keep its same MAC address and VLANs, only the interfaces at the edge of the FabricPath network track this change. Within the FabricPath network, the FabricPath interfaces update their tables with only the outer MAC addresses (ODA and OSA) that have changed from the FabricPath encapsulation.
See Chapter 3 "FabricPath Interfaces", for information on FabricPath interfaces.
The interface on the edge of the FabricPath network encapsulates the original frame inside the FabricPath header. Once the frame reaches the last, or directly connected, FabricPath switch, the egress interface strips the FabricPath header and forwards the frame as a normal CE frame.
The ports on an F Series module at the edge of a FabricPath network can use conversational learning to learn only those MAC addresses that the specified edge port is having a bidirectional conversation with. Every edge interface does not have to learn the MAC address of every other edge interface; it just learns the MAC addresses of the speakers.
As the frame traverses the FabricPath network, all the devices work only with the FabricPath header. So, the FabricPath interfaces work only with the ODAs and OSAs; they do not need to learn the MAC address for any of the CE hosts or other devices attached to the network. The hierarchical MAC addressing provided by the FabricPath headers results in much smaller MAC tables in the FabricPath network, which are proportional to the number of devices in that network. The interfaces in the FabricPath network only need to know how to forward frames to another FabricPath switch so they can forward traffic without requiring large MAC address lookup tables in the core of the network.

The switches in the FabricPath network decrement the TTL in the FabricPath header by 1 at each hop. When the TTL reaches 0, the packet is dropped. This process prevents the continuation of any loops that might form in the network.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Storage Technology Trends

• 16G FC, 40G FCoE grow in adoption
• 4k sector size for HDD
• The race to real time: HDD with cache>SSD>Flash>NVMe storage
• Software Defined Storage and HCI
• External DAS>NAS/SAN>internal DAS
• Beyond RAID: Distributed RAID, RAIN, Erasure Coding
• Block, File, Object storage
• Real time data reduction: compression, dedup
• Long term retention: tapes, optical disks

NVM Express

NVM ExpressNVMe, or Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface Specification (NVMHCI), is a logical device interface specification for accessing non-volatile storage media attached via PCI Express (PCIe) bus. "NVM" stands as an initialism for "non-volatile memory", which is commonly flash memory that comes in form of solid-state drives (SSDs). As a logical device interface, NVM Express has been designed from the ground up, capitalizing on the low latency and internal parallelism of flash-based storage devices, and mirroring the parallelism of contemporary CPUs, platforms and applications.
By its design, NVM Express allows levels of parallelism found in modern SSDs to be fully utilized by the host hardware and software. As a result, NVM Express reduces I/O overhead and brings various performance improvements in comparison to previous logical device interfaces, including multiple, long command queues, and reduced latency.
Historically, most SSDs used buses such as SATASAS or Fibre Channel for interfacing with the rest of a computer system. Since SSDs became available in mass markets, SATA has become the most typical way for connecting SSDs in personal computers; however, SATA was designed primarily for interfacing with mechanical hard disk drives (HDDs), and it became increasingly inadequate for SSDs that improved in speed over time.[6] For example, unlike hard disk drives, some SSDs are limited by the maximum throughput of SATA.
High-end SSDs had been made using the PCI Express bus before NVMe, but using non-standard specification interfaces. By standardizing the interface of SSDs, operating systems only need one driver to work with all SSDs adhering to the specification. It also means that each SSD manufacturer does not have to use additional resources to design specific interface drivers. This is similar to how USB mass storage devices are built to follow the USB mass-storage device class specification and work with all computers, with no per-device drivers needed.[7]
As of September 2014, a new standard for using NVMe over Fibre Channel (FC) is also in development.[8]


VDC Configuration

Virtual Device Context:
in default:

# show modules

# show vdc

# show user

# show vdc membership

Example Interface Allocation for Port Groups on a Cisco 7000 Series 10-Gbps Ethernet Module (N7K-M132XP-12)
The table below shows the port numbering for the port groups.
Table 1 Port Numbers for Port Groups on the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 10-Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-M132XP-12
Port Group
Port Numbers
Group 1
1, 3, 5, 7
Group 2
2, 4, 6, 8
Group 3
9, 11, 13, 15
Group 4
10, 12, 14, 16
Group 5
17, 19, 21, 23
Group 6
18, 20, 22, 24
Group 7
25, 27, 29, 31
Group 8
26, 28, 30, 32
On the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series 32-port, 10-Gbps Ethernet module N7K-F132XP-15, you must allocate the interfaces on your physical device in the specified combination. This module has 16 port groups that consist of 2 ports each (2 interfaces x 16 port groups = 32 interfaces). Interfaces that belong to the same port group must belong to the same VDC

Configuration Example for Ethernet VDC Creation and Initialization: 
Beginning with the Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2(1), you can run FCoE on the Cisco Nexus Series 7000 devices. You must create a separate storage VDC to run FCoE. See the Cisco NX-OS FCoE Configuration Guide for Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco MDS 9500 for an example of configuring a storage VDC.
This example shows how to create and initialize a VDC:
switch# config t
switch(config)# vdc test
switch(config-vdc)# allocate interface ethernet 1/18
Moving ports will cause all config associated to them in source vdc to be removed. Are you sure you want to move the ports? [yes] yes
switch(config-vdc)# exit
switch(config)# switchto vdc test
---- System Admin Account Setup ----
Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no) [y]: y
Enter the password for "admin":<password>
Confirm the password for "admin":<password>

---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management
of the system.
Please register Cisco Nexus7000 Family devices promptly with your
supplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initial
service calls. Nexus7000 devices must be registered to receive
entitled support services.
Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
to skip the remaining dialogs.
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: n
Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: n
Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: n
Enter the switch name : Test
Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]:

Mgmt0 IPv4 address :
Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask :
Configure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: y
IPv4 address of the default gateway :
Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]:
Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]:
Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [n]: y
Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa/rsa1) : rsa
Number of key bits <768-2048> : 768
Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]:
Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]:
Configure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) [on]:
The following configuration will be applied:
switchname Test
interface mgmt0
ip address
no shutdown
vrf context management
ip route
telnet server enable
ssh key rsa 768 force
ssh server enable
system default switchport shutdown
system default switchport trunk mode on
Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]:
Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]:

[########################################] 100%

Cisco Data Center Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software may be covered under the GNU Public
License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of
each such license is available at and
switch-test# exit
This example displays the prompt to choose admin VDC during the switch bootup:
n7k-ts-2# show vdc
vdc_id   vdc_name   state   mac
------ -------- ----- ----------
1       n7k-ts-2    active   00:22:55:7a:72:c1
2        c2         active   00:22:55:7a:72:c2
3        d2         active   00:22:55:7a:72:c3 <----! current name is 'd2'
4      dcn-sv       active   00:22:55:7a:72:c4

n7k-ts-2# switchto vdc d2

n7k-ts-2-d2(config)# hostname d2-new

n7k-ts-2-d2-new# 2010 Mar 16 18:40:40 n7k-ts-2-d2-new %$ VDC-3 %$
%VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from vty by on console0

n7k-ts-2-d2-new# exit

n7k-ts-2# show vdc

vdc_id   vdc_name   state    mac
------ -------- ----- ----------
1        n7k-ts-2   active   00:22:55:7a:72:c1
2        c2         active   00:22:55:7a:72:c2
3        d2-new     active   00:22:55:7a:72:c3 <-----!!! VDC name changed
4        dcn-sv     active   00:22:55:7a:72:c4

n7k-ts-2# show running-config vdc
!Command: show running-config vdc
vdc d2-new id 3 <------------------ VDC name changed!!!!
allocate interface
allocate interface Ethernet2/2-12
boot-order 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 4094
limit-resource monitor-session minimum 0 maximum 2
limit-resource vrf minimum 16 maximum 200
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 768
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8

# switchback

Monday, February 22, 2016

642-997 Exam Cram before the date...

  • NIC + HBA = CNA

  • Nexus 1000v
    • Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) - like virtual SW
    • Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM) - like vCenter

  • Virtual Port Channel (vPC) - allows redundant uplink access while the the redundant upstream devices appear as a single logical device to the access host. Support load balance in addition to redundancy.

  • Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) - allows MAC transport LAN extension to other enterprise sites. Based on frame tunneling inside overlay IP packet. Use IP multicast for optimal forwarding. "MACinIP".

  • Cisco FabricPath - Implement IS-IS routing principle in L2 domain, thus removing the need of STP, and offer load-balancing over parallel path.

  • Locator/ ID Separation Protocol (LISP) - provides mobile access based on mapping a local address to globally reachable address.

  • TrustSec - data link layer cryptography, provides protection for packet by encrypting packet on egress and decrypting on ingress at the device. Whinin device itself its in plain text, allowing to continue performing all packet inspection functions. 

  • SGACL - Security Group Access Control List
  • N-Port ID Virtualization (NPID) - provides a means to assign multiple FCIDs to a single N-Port. (NPIV allows multiple applications to share the same HBA).
  • N-Port Virtualization - Extension to NPIV. Allows to blade switch or ToR fabric device to behave as an NPIV-based HBA to the core FC switch.
  • Cisco Fabric Extenders Link (FEX-Link) (VN-TAG)
  • Virtual Device Contexts (VDC)
  • Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM)
  • Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
  • Adapter FEX (VM-FEX) - divide a single physical link into multiple virtuals links or channels. Each channel has unique channel number, and its scope is limited to the physical link.
  • Fabric Extenders (FEX)
    • FEX Deployment:
    1. Straight-through FEX using static pinning
    2. Straight-through FEX using dynamic pinning
    3. Active-Active FEX using vPC.
  • Private VLAN (PVLAN)
  • Rapid Per VLAN STP (Rapid PVST+)
  • Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 802.1s (MST)
  • Fibre Channel

  • Fibre Channel Port
  • Fibre Channel Registration

  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE):

  • Data Center Bridging (DCB) addressed the QoS related challenges of FC deployment over classical Ethernet.
  • Priority Flow Control (PFC) this is one of the 802.1bb standard providing lossless delivery for selected classes of service. (PAUSE frame).
  • Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) this is 802.1Qaz standard providing bandwidth management and priority selection. Enables intelligent sharing of bandwidth.
  • Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN) this is the 802.1Qan standard providing congestion awareness and avoidance. This is an optimal standard that vendor can choose to implement.
  • Data Center  Bridging Exchange (DCBX) this is the 802.1Qaz standard. It provides a protocol for exchanging parameters between DCB-capable devices and taking advantage of function that are provided by the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
    • DCBX is an extension of LLDP.

Here we go....

Here we go...

On first of January, 2016 I have decided to go and pursue my Data Center Certification. Cisco is my best chose to do it because I am really admire what they are doing with their certifications and path they have created for us to study.

I have to say that i am already holding CCIE Service Provider but I have to say that it doesn't make any difference in my journey and not making the study easier for sure.

I passed CCNA DC two exams last year and learned a LOT about data center technologies that i wasn't aware before form the networking world. I have to say it was completely new for me, almost 90% of technologies that we "networking" engineers are never exposed too.

I thought to my self and made a decision to take the long path for the CCIE DC (CCNA, CCNP and then CCIE) since all these technologies, protocols are new to me and I unfortunately I don't have an access to it on daily basis so the books and study materials are my best friend now....

Now my path includes:

Exams & Recommended Training

Required Exam(s)Recommended Training
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCI)
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFI)
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCD)
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFD)
642-035 DCUCTTroubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCT)
642-980 DCUFTTroubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFT)

642-997 I am planning to take next Thursday (2/25/2016). Lets see how it goes....

From now and on I am planning to update my study process here ...